Magnety guides you through the creation of your vault with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. The first step is to choose between a public or private Vault, it will pre-fill some parameters during the creation process. Then follow these steps:

Denomination asset

You can choose a denomination asset between all currencies available on Magnety. The list is provided below.

DeFi integration

This is the currency received into the vault fund when investors buy shares. It is also the asset used to calculate your vault’s performance fees and evaluate your general performance.

Shares tokenization

When any users are investing in your Vault, they will receive a non fungible token representing their shares in the fund, it allows much more features than an ERC20. This NFT contains on-chain data such as :

● a name ● a symbol (MGTYx by default). ● amount of shares bought. (represent your part in the fund) ● The block number of the mint (allows lockup, unique fees mechanism & much more) ● Address of the buyer (can give you advantages if you are whitelisted by the vault manager) ● Price of the share at the time of purchase (require for performance fees) ● An image (because it’s fun)

You can customize your token associated with your fund shares, you need to provide a name, a symbol, and an image (we provide a default image).

Deposit restrictions

You have to provide a minimal and a maximal amount that can be invested in your vault and you can enable a limit of investors allowed to buy shares (1000 different wallets max for example).

You can set a list of whitelisted addresses that are allowed to deposit assets in your vault, you can also allow anyone or just your address.

Withdrawals preference

You can set up a harvest lockup time, an investor will not be able to resell his shares after having invested if the time limit imposed by the vault manager in the lockup has not been reached.